Thursday, July 1, 2010


So, I'm finally posting. My first post of my first blog. Kind of exciting. Kind of intimidating. It took me a full month to finally post it, but here it is. I've never blogged before so I'm still figuring this out. So, if you're reading this, thanks for putting up with my first post. If you continue reading my posts, thank you for coming back and putting up with me as I write and learn, and for giving me a much needed outlet. Well, here it is--"Ing". A beginning. (I know, I know, SUPER cheesy...but more of that to come for sure...sorry.)


  1. i blog. well, sort of... the problem is i do what you do for every entry... it takes me about a month to do one because it has to be perfect. so i am trying to "just do it" and let things be less than perfect on my blog. problem is, i really want it to be some pulitzer-prize winning deal, and i am just going to have to be okay with it just being a "baby-update" blog. i'm not brave enough yet to announce on facebook that i have a blog... so you are one-up on me! happy blogging! <3

  2. thanks amanda.i can be the same way, thats why it took me so long to just start writing. :)

  3. I have been wanting to blog and you have inspired me to begin (not sure if that is a good thing or not, haha!) So I will be following your blog and can't wait to see more! :)

  4. Welcome to blogging! The first post really is the hardest. Have fun!

  5. I love your title! You can write about anything! When I was blogging I wrote a lot about my kids and hubby and it felt like I painted myself into a corner so I love that you can take this any direction!!
