Here is a little of what went on! :)
Our mad scientist laboratory...
Some of our creative costumers as "Up a creek, without a paddle."
Luigi and the baseball player!
Shrunken heads.... :)
Skelly in his laboratory...
Witch supplies (and scroll down to the bottom of this post to find out who the witch was)...
If you don't show up in costume...well...
Our costume contest winners: Storm and Ironman (Brittany and Aaron) :)
Our Apple Bobbing winner...Craig with 2.5 seconds! We were all very impressed. :)
Our costume...mwa ha ha!
I hope you all had a fabulously haunted Halloween...and maybe next year you can spend it with the Harding's :) (if you can't tell, I LOVE Halloween). :)
All in all, it was a blast and I can't wait to do it again next year.
Now...onto Christmas. :) :) :) :) (Just so you know....I love Christmas even more than Halloween!) ;) "Mwa ha ha!"...will change to "Ho ho ho!" quite soon. :)
oh how I wish we could have come! this looks like so much fun! you guys are awesome :-)